Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: G0012

Record Date
Collection Name
1899 Nephite Records
Ownership Type
Private Owner
1899 Nephite Records
None given
Unique Features
Spine: intact, speckled darker marks (liquid drip stains?) on spine discolored darker, darker mark on very bottom of spine
Spine Lettering and Label: Clear and present
Cover: Intact, light marks near edges, white mark (paint?) stain on upper middler closer to spine, slight wear on corners
Binding: intact, end papers present
Title Page: Present, clean, very small mark (stain) lower right margin near lower right of intro paragraph.
Text: complete, Three stains on outer edge, first lower half first part of pages, 2 upper half later pages.
Inscription: Front end page verso has “WearliDy” (SP?) in cursive ink with embellishment on ending Y, back end page recto has asme “WearliDy” (SP?) in pencil with similar embellishment on ending Y, same back end page recro has erased pencil mark and small brown stains same color as outer page edge.
Notes: back end page recto has small bit of paper removed from bottom edge closer to corner