Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: E0015

Record Date
Collection Name
1842 Nauvoo
Ownership Type
Special Collection
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
1842 Book of Mormon, BYU Copy 2
Catalog notes state this was a gift to the University from William B & Carolyn P Ingersoll.
No other details recorded
Unique Features
Spine: Repaired spine, Old spine over new cover, section missing on bottom edge. One gold line visible.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black title ribbon present with gold block lettering.
Cover: Repaired cover, slight change of leather cover on lower corners near bottom of spine on both front and back covers.
Binding: Repaired hinge. One front end paper, two back end papers. Library bookplate sticker on front pastedown, listing copy 2, almost filling whole inside pastedown.
Title Page: first title page present and intact. Various foxing present. Page cockling in upper left corner near gutter. Noticeable dark mark at lower right corner between Illinois and Smith line. Ink stamp “UPB” on back side verso, bleeding through to front side recto. Second Title page present, same cockling in upper left corner with various foxing on page.
Text: Full text, no known markings or annotations. Witness pages on separate leaves.
Inscription: None recorded.
Notes: Ink stamp “UPB” on last text page 572 recto, bleeding through to back page verso on three witness page. Accompanying red clamshell.