Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: D0022

Record Date
Collection Name
1841 Great Britain
Ownership Type
Private Collection
Private Owner
1841 Book of Mormon
None Given
Unique Features
Spine: Decorative Spine, 3 decorative blocks and 1 text block
Spine Lettering and Label: Embossed title in gold lettering on spine,
Cover: Decorative cover with mirrored design between top and bottom half.
Binding: intact. two front end papers present
Title Page: repaired from 2 horizontal rips from right edge to gutter. Water spot at top right corner.
Text: Witnesses page repaired from 2 horizontal rips, similar to title page. Text block complete. Some water damage on front pages, 1 Nephi page water stains at upper right corner and right edge. Index present in back. Noticeable water mark/damage at top text block edge
Inscription: None found
Notes: Water mark/stain found upper right corner throughout whole text block