Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: C0002

Record Date
Collection Name
1840 Nauvoo
Ownership Type
Private Ownership
Private Owner
1840 Book of Mormon, Smith Family
Book plate sticker listing Private Library of Joseph Smith, Nauvoo ILL, These bookplate stickers were ordered by Joseph Smith Jr and received by him in early 1844 for use. However, these bookplate stickers were given to Joseph Smith III after his fathers martyrdom and used by Jospeh III, afterwards. So, it is undetermined if this volume is from Joseph Smith Jr, or his son, Joseph Smith III.
Unique Features
Spine: Darker brown leather with indications of gold line sets. Small piece missing from bottom edge at bottom right corner.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black title ribbon with visible gold text title block.
Cover: Marbled dark brown leather with decorative gold lined border.
Binding: One front endpaper, back endpapers missing.
Title Page: First title page: Repaired vertical rip from the top down to middle of page, two inches off right edge. Blue ink spots above title, bleeding through back verso and onto second title page. Water stain marks at lower right corner. Small hole at lower page to the left of the word, Nauvoo. Second Title page: Blue ink spots from bleed through on first title page. Water marking in the gutter and diagonally on lower right corner. Dark markings on second paragraph, closer to right edge.
Text: Full text block, various water marking. Testimony pages have identifiable staining spots (oils?)
Inscription: None listed.
Notes: Back inside cover pastedown: Bookplate sticker almost to the size of the paper, vertically listing Personal Library of Joseph Smith, Nauvoo ILL.