Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0077

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Utah Valley University
Orem, UT
1830 Book of Mormon, Utah Valley University
Recorded at the library in February 1991.
Donation through the Lavorn Sparks collection.

Unique Features
Spine: Original spine adhered to new cover. Gold ribbing fading but visible.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black title ribbon present. Gold title visible, fading letter “R”
Cover: Original cover adhered to new cover. Corners and edging deteriorated and new cover visible through.
Binding: Rebound cover/spine hinging. Reinforced inside pastedown gutter.
Title Page: visible and attached. Triangular cockling on upper right and left, and lower left corners.
Text: Full text block. Hole punch embossment listing Public Library of Salt Lake on First Nephi page and page 101.
Inscription: Front end paper recto listing this given to John Sneath from his Sunday School Teacher in January 1833 in ink. Inscription of Mrs. H Dayton in pencil (twice). Second end paper recto: “Claughton” in ink, Verso: illegible with numbers.
Notes: Held in brown leather clamshell listing “Palmayra” (sic) 1830. Preface page: “iv”. Page 63, line 21 proper “himself”. Page 91, line 9 “carcases”. Page 144, line 36, “obout”. page 161 line 1, “fait” page 205, line 3, Nephi fading but visible “i”. pages 342-343 proper “river Sidon”. Page 457 line 22 proper “destruction” fading but visible “c”. Proper page number 487. Page 507 line 26/27 “which is in my name”. Page 521 line 8/9 “rum-derers”. Three witnesses page line 10, proper “seen”.
