Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0026

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
BYU Special Collections Library
Provo, UT
1830 Book of Mormon, BYU Copy 6
Recorded at BYU as M222.1 A1 1830 copy 6,
Unknown background origin or sources
Stored in clamshell box
Unique Features
Intact full edition,
Spine: Lapel attached, letter block stamped, but gilded lettering missing/faded
Cover: half inch spot on front cover, upper half. original cover or very high quality repair on back cover
Binding: Front end pages missing, 3 back pages intact
Title page: Present and attached
Text: Noticeable mark/stain on pg 81, 82 middle page near gutter. Bleed through prior and subsequent pages from pgs. 55-103. Missing page 433/434, pencil marks on pgs. 286,287
Inscription, None
Markings: Inside front cover “552-555” in ink. Illegible pencil marks inside cover, pencil marks on 2nd back end page, pencil marks on p.286, marks on p.552