Individual Book Details: A0023

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
BYU Special Collections Library
Provo, UT
1830 Book of Mormon, BYU, William Cowdery
Recorded at BYU as M222.1 A1 1830 copy 4,
Accompanying note listing this copy belonging to William Cowdery, father of Oliver, given by Mrs. Hattie Young Williamson, Niece of Oliver and Granddaughter of William Cowdery
Stored in accompanying Clamshell
Unique Features
Repaired and Refurbished copy
Spine and Label: Spine adhered to new cover, Label present, letters faded
Cover: Rebound volume with new cover with original cover overlaid. Front cover: Top right section missing and shows new cover.
Binding: New Front End papers accompanying new cover binding
Title Page: Missing, not present
Text: pages wrinkled due to water damage, some mildew stains on various pages.
Pg: 69/70 partial missing, repaired page. Pg: 481/482 repaired page.
Inscription: 2nd page Recto: “William Cowdery” in ink.
Markings: Preface page: “135648” stamp mark.
Notes: pressed flower between pages 316 & 317, preserved in plastic
Pg 212:122 misprint error, Page 487 missing 7 error, “vi” on preface recto page.
Separated page in plastic protector sheet (loose end page) and accompanying letter/note from Hattie Williamson