Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0021

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
1830 Book of Mormon, Dartmouth College
Unknown origin. Supplemental paperwork included consisting of typed page with text copied from “Gowan’s Catalog of American Books, 1869, p8” and a hand written note be “W Rider”(sp?) giving details regarding reference pages included in copy.
Unique Features
General Condition: Complete copy, Full text. Back of volume has “reference guide” 9 page pamphlet included in volume.
Spine (and decoration) Condition: Complete intact spine,
Spine Lettering and Label Condition: full black labels and full gold letters. Raised B, raised F and lowered first M
Cover Condition and originality, Cover intact, back cover has darker spot on upper part of cover,
Binding Condition and originality, binding is intact and pages seem to be completely bound to volume, front cover endpaper has 1/3 page decorative sticker with letters W and R with decorative red border, flyleaf recto has similar size black and white sticker identifying Dartmouth college library with coat of arms and decoration. Front end paper, (inside cover) also has small sticker in upper right corner “val. RBJM B6445g"
Title Page condition: present, intact, dark mark on title page in upper left corner and center left near gutter, foxing on upper, lower and edge margins,
Text Condition: Intact, Included in back of value is 9 page “References to the Book of Mormon” pamphlet attached/tipped into volume of the book.
Inscription: None
Markings: Stain/dark mark on top corner near gutter and similar stain/dark mark on middle gutter edge on first few recto and verso pages,
Copyright page (verso) has pencil mark upper half of paper “Val. RBJM B644sg”
Notes: preface page verso “vi”